WASHINGTON – Today, Lead Appropriations Committee Republican Kay Granger (TX-12) released the following statement after leaders of the Texas Ag Task Force were announced. Representatives Michael Cloud, Jodey Arrington, August Pfluger, Ronny Jackson, and Tony Gonzales will co-chair the task force, while Representatives Michael Burgess, Louie Gohmert, Chip Roy, Pete Sessions, Roger Williams, and Beth Van Duyne will serve as members. 

As the leaders of the Texas Republican delegation, Granger and Rep. Kevin Brady (TX-8) said, “Agriculture is crucial to our Texas economy and way of life. These lawmakers will lead our efforts in Congress to protect farmers, ranchers, and the million jobs in our state tied to agriculture.”

Granger continued, “Texas is the top farming state in the nation, with 250,000 farms covering the most farm acres in America. This task force will champion Texas’ agricultural perspective and priorities, especially following President Biden’s appointment of an Agriculture Secretary with a Midwest focus. 

“I look forward to working with the Texas Ag Task Force on many key initiatives that will strengthen Texas agriculture and rural communities, like enhancing rural broadband connectivity, strengthening agriculture supply chains, protecting producers against overregulation, and unfreezing the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, which provides relief to food producers whose profits suffered amid the pandemic.

“Texas farmers, ranchers, and their families are a huge part of what makes our state great. This task force will ensure that their voices are heard in Washington and that all aspects of Texas agriculture, from cotton to cattle, continue to prosper.”