Congresswoman Kay Granger delivered the following speech in the House of Representatives in support of the Fiscal Year 2017 Defense Appropriations bill:
Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of the FY17 Defense Appropriations bill. This very important bill provides for our national security by supporting our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines, who we rely on to provide that security.
During very dangerous times, we must ensure that the United States remains not only the greatest country in the world, but also the strongest.
Chairman Frelinghuysen takes the Constitutional responsibility to provide for the common defense very seriously and he deserves all of our thanks for drafting such a significant and meaningful bill.
This is not an easy bill to draft. With increased threats and reduced budgets, the Department of Defense is being forced to make decisions they should never have to make.
They are making decisions to align with a budget crisis instead of making decisions to protect the homeland and defeat our enemies.
The military readiness accounts are an example of the shocking consequences of this budget environment.
Already stretched thin by more than a decade of war, Marine aviation squadrons actually have to salvage aircraft parts from museums in order to keep planes flying.
This is unconscionable. Our national security needs more. Our troops deserve better.
The bill Chairman Frelinghuysen drafted takes a responsible approach to address these and other pressing issues. Rather than just “throw money” at these crises, he exercises the Subcommittee’s oversight responsibilities by reducing funding for programs with unjustified cost increases or subpar performance.
This allowed the Chairman to redirect those critical dollars to increase the number of troops, increase funding for training and address many of the Service Chiefs’ priorities.
The U.S. and our allies continue to face threats from countries such as Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea. Radical Islamic terrorists, such as ISIS, continue to threaten everything we stand for.
As Chair of State and Foreign Operations Appropriations and Vice Chair of Defense Appropriations, I am very proud of what this bill does to ensure resources are available to counter all of these threats.
Passage of this bill ensures the United States will lead in this very dangerous world.
I urge a yes vote.
Video of Congresswoman Granger's House floor speech.