Granger Urges Democratic Leaders to Address, Not Delay, Important Budgetary Issues
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-Fort Worth), Vice Chair of the Republican Conference, today released the following statement in response to Democratic leaders saying they would push off important budget decisions critical to Middle Class Americans and small businesses until the next Congress.
“It’s Congress’ job to work for the American people and that means getting its work done. It does not mean putting the work off – like some Democrats suggest doing – until a time that is more politically expedient. This is part of what has Americans frustrated with Washington – its misplaced priorities.
“Congress’ priorities should be where Americans’ priorities are, and right now, that is with ensuring Middle Class Americans and small businesses have enough money to support their families and keep their businesses growing. It also means that Congress needs to exercise increased fiscal restraint.
“We can and should work together to get this job done and restore Americans’ faith in the process.”