Secretary of the Army Dr. Mark Esper Visits Trinity River Vision Project

Granger meets with Secretary of the Army Dr. Mark Esper to Tour Trinity River Vision Project

August 23, 2018

FORT WORTH, TX – Secretary of the Army, Dr. Mark T. Esper, toured the Fort Worth Trinity River Vision Project on Thursday afternoon. Accompanied by Congresswoman Kay Granger, Secretary Esper visited the offices of the Trinity River Vision Authority where he was able to tour the Education Center and receive a briefing on the history of the devastating flooding Fort Worth has experienced and progress of the project. Afterwards, he got a first-hand look at all the construction underway on this critical flood protection project.

"It was extremely important to have Secretary Esper visit Fort Worth to tour the Trinity River Vision Project," said Rep. Granger. "I have advocated and supported this critical flood control project for years and would encourage any Washington D.C. leadership to come see the exciting progress happening in Fort Worth."

As the Secretary of the Army, Secretary Esper will play a key role in helping to secure the remaining Federal funding while the project is ongoing.

“I had a great day visiting Fort Worth to see the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Central City project and all the defense activities going on in this thriving city,” said Secretary Esper.  “Representative Kay Granger’s (R-TX) leadership as the Chair of the House Appropriations defense sub-committee is greatly appreciated by the Army for our modernization efforts.”

Due to Fort Worth’s booming population growth, the Army Corps of Engineers identified that the central city area of Fort Worth no longer has the flood protection that it needs. In response, the Trinity River Vision Project is well underway, and upon completion of the project, over 2,400 acres of flood relief will be brought to neighborhoods in Fort Worth.

The award-winning Trinity River Vision has been called a “model project” by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. TRV is a partnership between the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas Department of Transportation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Tarrant Regional Water District, and Streams and Valleys.
