Granger Will Vote to Stop the Latest $26 Billion Bailout


Washington, DC – In a move that will result in new government spending, Speaker Nancy Pelosi brought Congress back to Washington to vote on a $26 billion bailout for state governments.  Congresswoman Kay Granger, who has voted against each and every bailout, opposes this latest taxpayer-funded proposal.

?“Congressional Democrats determined that a $1.5 trillion deficit isn’t large enough and have demanded lawmakers cancel constituent meetings and return to Washington, D.C. with the sole purpose of rushing through additional government spending.

“Democrats in Congress gave states $100 billion in the so-called stimulus bill last year, and now they want taxpayers to hand over $26 billion more.  Enough is enough.

“Using money the federal government does not have to pay for state programs that states can’t afford is unsustainable, leaving taxpayers to wonder, what happens next year?

“Instead of returning to Washington D.C. to spend more, this Congress should be finding ways to spend less – and that starts with ending the bailouts and using the money to pay down the debt.?"

The bill to be voted on today contains $14 billion dollars in “spending reductions” from the Democrats’ stimulus bill.  Congressional Democrats have labeled this a spending cut, but stimulus money is designated as emergency funding and therefore not subject to pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) rules.  The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) does not recognize any savings from stimulus reductions for the purposes of statutory PAYGO.  Thus, the non-partisan CBO estimates that this bill will actually increase the deficit by $12.6 billion.

